Our range of school improvement support programmes are extensive.   We adapt according to the brief and needs of our clients. Although we cover whole school, departmental and pre-inspection reviews and safeguarding reviews, our services do not exclusively fall into these categories.  Contact us and we will see if we can help!

Whole School/Academy Reviews

Working with senior and middle leaders, we will support with identifying, developing and improving provision, including teaching and learning. We  can provide the school with detailed information on how well it is doing and what needs to be improved. We can support you with actively engaging in the school improvement process in order to enhance students and teachers learning and achievement.  We can offer reviews on a particular aspect of the schools work or a broader review, based on the initial brief.  We work in partnership with senior leads so that they know the components of school improvement and are able to speak about aspects of the schools work to internal or external bodies.

Departmental/Faculty Reviews

Using our specifically selected subject advisors, we are able to offer departmental reviews. Using work scrutiny, lesson observations, data, staff and student interviews, we can build a comprehensive picture of the department. We can conduct deep dives into particular subjects. Our report will summarise what the department is doing well and identify areas for improvement.

Pre-Inspection Reviews

Using the services of The Federation of Independent Schools. the pre-inspection review can be a partial review or a full review. When setting up the contract, we agree the brief and can provide advice based on best practice, offer feedback and key recommendations on areas requiring improvement. Although a formal judgement is not provided, your school(s) will undoubtedly be well prepared for a formal inspection.

SEF Replacement – The New Self Review and Evaluation Summary

Update and replace your SEF with the new, simple Self Review and Evaluation Summary.

“The accuracy and clarity of the school’s self-evaluation helps to inform the inspectors’ initial view of the quality of leadership and management and the school’s capacity to improve.”   Self Evaluation – Ofsted Guidance for Inspectors

The School SEF is no longer a requirement, but self-review and evaluation are still important for schools. Demonstrate a proactive approach to replacing your SEF when Ofsted visit with our new Self Review and Evaluation Summary.
 • It is aligned to the four key areas of the new Ofsted Framework
 • Contains prompts, questions and possible sources of evidence
 • Helps you to focus on outcomes and actions
 • Includes a toolkit of checklists for you to make judgements, plus other helpful proformas

Alternatively, use our SEF Conversion Service

Save valuable time for yourself and senior staff. Get an advisor to complete the initial work.

Provide us with a copy of your existing School SEF and we will transfer the content into the new format, editing the content and making sure it goes into the right sections, or is removed if no longer applicable.

Safeguarding Reviews

Although safeguard monitoring was a requirement in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2016 there was even more focus in the September 2018 update. “All school and college staff have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn”. With our safeguarding review, The Federation of Independent Schools uses a comprehensive audit tool and provides an overview of safeguarding within your organisation, whilst confirming areas you may wish to focus upon to improve.


Assessment and Progress Tracking

Our Expert Data Analysts are skilled at setting up and supporting with Assessment and Progress Tracking systems to ensure they are in line with the new GCSE Curriculum and Education Inspection Framework.

Curriculum Support

Bespoke Departmental Targets

Personalised Targets for each Student for each Subject

Bespoke Departmental Flightpaths

Data Drop Analysis

To access this support or receive more information about any of the above services, then please get in touch:

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