About Us
What is a federation?
The Federation of Independent Schools (TFoIS) has been formed whereby a number of schools have come together for collaboration purposes, but remain independent. The Federation of Independent Schools network seeks to drive forward partnerships. This is sometimes referred to as “soft” federation, which is in effect a collaboration; This is a less formal arrangement in which the governing bodies remain separate. Through the Federation, member schools have access to a range of school improvement and support services.
The benefits of being part of a Federation
These include:
1. small schools banding together to increase capacity and protect education provision
2. stronger schools supporting weaker schools, as appropriate
3. federation across phases to strengthen education provision across the education community
4. better and broader offer for pupils – both curricular and extra curricular
5. more opportunities to employ specialist staff
6. significantly more opportunities for CPD for staff
7. better recruitment and, succession planning & retention of staff
8. moderating and benchmarking same systems of assessment, data and finances, HR and IT
9. learning from each other
10. more capacity for innovation
11. improved efficiencies
12. improved confidence through benchmarking