Upcoming Events

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TFOIS Governors Leadership Forum

The Confident Series


EVENT Name & Location

Booking Link

9th July 2020
Time: 10:30 am

The Confident Middle Leader
Live Webinar

#Curriculum Showdown

The best training opportunities come when we are able to engage with fellow professionals. Many schools are now either working by themselves or in small or larger MATs. The opportunity to share good practice across a year group can be good, however this is usually limited to the teachers who are working within a team. Now we are going national.

The #CurriculumShowdown webinars will gather teachers together, by year group on a wider and live platform. The aims will be adapted according to the year group, however key areas of coverage will include;

N.B. There will be breakout rooms.  These will be interactive, so please bring all your resources and thoughts/suggestions with you and be prepared to share with others.  Although information will be provided, this is YOUR opportunity to network at a national level.


EVENT Name & Location


Booking Link

24th September 2020
Time: 6:00 pm
# Curriculum Showdown – Year 1
Live Webinar

£ 10.00
per ticket

13th September 2020
Time: 6:00 pm

# Curriculum Showdown – Year 2
Live Webinar

£ 10.00
per ticket

29th September 2020
Time: 6:00 pm

# Curriculum Showdown – Year 3
Live Webinar

£ 10.00
per ticket

6th October 2020
Time: 6:00 pm

# Curriculum Showdown – Year 4
Live Webinar

£ 10.00
per ticket

22nd September 2020
Time: 6:00 pm

# Curriculum Showdown – Year 5
Live Webinar

£ 10.00
per ticket

15th September 2020
Time: 6:00 pm

# Curriculum Showdown – Year 6
Live Webinar

£ 10.00
per ticket

Events Calendar